

Aria x Caporali 2000

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Caporali 2000: A Premium Aria Partner

We are pleased to announce an extraordinary collaboration with Caporali 2000, a significant step in our commitment to improving mobility and the quality of life for people with disabilities. Caporali 2000, having become our Premium Dealer, stands as a reference point in the field of orthopedic aids, a trusted business partner, and an exemplar of dedication to innovation in the orthopedic sector.

The Long History of Caporali 2000

With over 40 years of history, Caporali 2000 has shown exceptional dedication and passion in the field of orthopedics. Its story began in 1981 as a traditional orthopedics establishment, but it was in 2000 that the company underwent a significant transformation. Umberto Caporali made the decision to establish his own company, Caporali 2000, focusing on aids and products for home care, thus transforming it into a modern and dynamic entity.

Over the years, Caporali 2000 expanded its product range, offering both classic and sophisticated orthopedic aids, including ultra-lightweight wheelchairs, personalized postural systems, and vertical wheelchairs. Umberto Caporali, the owner, and his passion for orthopedic aids have been the driving force behind this constant growth. His dedication has helped make the company a reference point in the industry.

The Collaboration with Aria

The collaboration between Caporali 2000 and Aria has been a significant milestone for both companies. Our initial introduction took place at an industry fair in Dusseldorf, where Umberto and his team were impressed by Aria's innovative approach and wheelchair design. This led Umberto to explore our products further and embark on a collaboration that has yielded remarkable results.

Aria's decision to use magnesium as the primary material for wheelchair frames marked a turning point in the orthopedic sector. The lightweight and resilient nature of magnesium significantly improved the comfort and mobility of patients, opening new horizons in wheelchair design. This innovation motivated Caporali 2000 to provide Aria wheelchairs to its customers, contributing to an enhanced quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

Caporali 2000's Commitment as an Aria Premium Dealer

The role of a Premium Aria Dealer signifies lasting trust and cooperation between our companies. Caporali 2000 offers customers the opportunity to test various Aria wheelchair models at their Daverio location. The company's skilled technicians are ready to assist customers in selecting the most suitable product for their specific needs, ensuring high-quality service.

In conclusion, the collaboration between Aria and Caporali 2000 represents a significant step forward in the orthopedic sector, promoting innovation and product customization to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities. We are proud to have Caporali 2000 as our Premium Dealer and look forward to continued collaboration towards a better and more accessible future for all.

Contact Caporali 2000 today to try out your future Aria wheelchair!

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